Paragoy Dimension

Kyrin is forced by Daemionis to stay in Paragoy Dimension, but only after he sends her on a dangerous mission to retrieve the coveted seal of Carathis. While away, she befriends a creature that threatens to disrupt the peaceful life in the Valharan Castle.

Finn realizes that the Knights of Valhara have a grudge against the known evil, and he sets out to make sure Kyrin is treated as a noble. He starts to realize it's going to be a harder task than he first though, but feels indebted to her.

Alric struggles to understand why Kyrin stays with Daemionis. He and Sithias try to find a way to keep her in Paragoy, when they become afraid that she's about to shift out permanently. More nobles bring more conflict, and Alric's afraid it may be more than Kyrin can handle.

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